On PEI, we watch how the fires in Jasper have ripped through the townsite, leaving devastation and destruction behind. As we watch, we realize how we relate in that devastation from when Fiona ripped through our Island. We remember the Albertan’s who drove across the country to help each and every one of us, and we want to extend that same hand.
If you feel like you can, please take a look at these links to send support:
Jasper Community GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jasper-community?attribution_id=sl:0fe30c47-1bb5-4d11-9be6-a12f80687791&utm_campaign=pd_ss_icons_ai&utm_content=amp1v1&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=twitter
The Jasper Community Team Society with the assistance of the Outreach Workers will help assist Jasper locals: jaspercommunityteamsociety.ca
Donate to the Canadian Red Cross Wildfire Fund: https://give.redcross.ca/page/24CWFA?_ga=2.1178865.1533417217.1721921455-1345909797.1721921455&_gl=1*1w7v87n*_gcl_au*MTE4NzU3MDA1OS4xNzIxOTIxNDU0*_ga*MTM0NTkw
Donate to the Samaritan’s Purse Canadian relief projects: https://www.samaritanspurse.ca/article/rushing-help-to-jasper-wildfire-evacuees/
Calgary has also opened a recreation centre for Jasper wildfire evacuees, including accommodations, pet support, RV sites, washrooms, temporary parking, health resources, clothing, and personal hygiene items: https://www.calgary.ca/emergencies/jasper-wildfire-evacuees.html